
Group Piano
For students currently or previously enrolled in a Dalcroze course, this is a chance to connect what they are learning through movement with the piano keyboard in a group setting. Taught by Juilliard-trained pianist and Dalcroze-certified teacher Eric Barnhill. Ages 6-10.
13-week spring session: January 11th-May 10th. $325
Saturdays, 9:30-10:15am. At Westminster Piano Lab.

Violin/ Viola Instruction Program
For students currently enrolled in a Dalcroze course, this is a chance to expand musical skills through instrument study. Lessons are with Lydia Miller and may take place at the student's home. For program details and teacher information, please follow the application link. For ages 5 1/2 up.
Applications for the 2024-25 school year are due August 28th.

Age 4-6: Introduction to Music through Movement
Dalcroze Eurhythmics classes use movement, rhythm games, songs, and stories as keys to exploring musical concepts.
Through a spirit of play and active listening, students develop rudimentary musical concepts of register, pulse, phrase, rhythm notation, and pitch. Classes for 2024-25 begin September 9th and end May 19th (28 classes). $490 (full year). Free trial class.
•Tuesday, 4:10-4:55pm
•Bilingual French-English: Wednesday, 4:10-4:55pm. No French proficiency required

Age 6-12: Immersive Music Theory
The Rhythmic-Solfège sequence allows students to deepen their musicianship through movement, work with props, note-reading, improvisation, and collaboration with others. Appropriate for students in grade school.
Benefits of Rhythmic-Solfège include improved intonation, finer listening capability, better ensemble skills, energetic rhythmic and metric vitality, and a deepened understanding of musical analysis, nuance, and aesthetics as they relate to performance.
The complete progression of five levels will provide students with a solid and comprehensive music education. We are currently offering levels I through IV. Please email mira@rythmiquemusicschool.com for placement by instructor consultation.
Classes for 2024-25 begin September 9th and end May 19th (28 classes). A metallophone is required and can be purchased with registration. $514-$570 (full year). Free trial class.
Rhythmic-Solfège I / II :
•Tuesday, 5-5:50pm
Rhythmic-Solfège III / IV :
•Monday, 5:15-6:15pm
Rhythmic-Solfège II / III en français:
•Monday, 4:15-5:10pm

Age 9-14: Embodied ear training for instrumentalists
Dalcroze Enrichment classes give instrumentalists a musical edge and support study on any instrument.
Dalcroze training uses body movement and interactive activities such as games with a ball, hoops, or other props, to increase coordination and discuss musical topics of pulse, tempo, tonality, meter, and phrasing. Group activities help develop ensemble skills. Appropriate for students with 1-4 years of instrumental or vocal study, or students who do not play an instrument by instructor approval. No instrument needed for class. Classes for 2024-25 begin September 10th and end May 6th (15 classes). $275 (full year). Free trial class.
Every other Tuesday, 6-6:50pm

Dalcroze Eurhythmics for Adults
The 2024-25 Dalcroze Eurhythmics Course for adults will take place on the first Monday of each Month:
October 7th
November 4th
December 2nd
January 6th
February 3rd
March 3rd
April 7th
May 5th
For adults interested in exploring connections between music and movement, and educators interested in Dalcroze teaching methods. 8-9pm
$120/ year or $20/ drop-in class. 1 CEU is available through Westminster University for full-year participation in the course ($40).
Please RSVP to Mira@rythmiquemusicschool.com or (312) 513-6422 for details and location.

Private Cello Lessons
Ages 5 through adult.
Private instruction for beginner through advanced levels.
In-person lessons include monthly cello group classes, Dalcroze enrollment, two studio recitals per year, the option of participating in the National Federation of Music Clubs cello festival each spring, and school field trips. Lessons start at 30 minutes, through 75 minutes.
In English or French with Mira Larson.
We want you to be part of our community regardless of your budget! One pay-what-you-can spot is available in each group class. Simply send a letter of request to mira@rythmiquemusicschool.com. Sibling discounts (20%) and referral discounts (20% for both families) are also available when you register.
Cello scholarships are currently offered on a case-by-case basis.